Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 471-475

…the proportion of American marriages in which the wife makes more money rose to 22 percent in 2007 from 4 percent in 1970.
In the end, we all want a wife. But the home has become increasingly invaded by the ethos of work, work, work, with twin sets of external clocks imposed on a household’s natural rhythms.
My So-Called Wife
New York Times
Published: January 23, 2010
For the first time in American

Why Are Americans Passive as Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families and the American Dream?
Tikkun / By Harriet Fraad
Sometime in the fall last year, I was at my local supermarket in San
Francisco’s Mission District, picking through some melons when I heard the unmistakable sound of a body hit the floor behind me — hard. I turned to find a woman being handcuffed and led into an employees-only area, as she pleaded with the security guard: “I lost my job and need to feed my children.” It was nothing short of heartbreaking.
Later, as I waited to pay for my groceries at the register, I watched another woman set off an alarm as she ran out of the supermarket with bananas and baby food in her arms. She made it — and presumably was able to feed her child that night.
I thought of that desperate day again when I read an extensive report released today on the state of food hardship in America (pdf) by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). In it comes the striking news that one in five Americans went hungry at some point in 2009.
The U.S. Food Crisis: 1 in 5 Went Hungry Last Year. Now What?
Daniela Perdomo

Later, as I waited to pay for my groceries at the register, I watched another woman set off an alarm as she ran out of the supermarket with bananas and baby food in her arms. She made it — and presumably was able to feed her child that night.
I thought of that desperate day again when I read an extensive report released today on the state of food hardship in America (pdf) by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). In it comes the striking news that one in five Americans went hungry at some point in 2009.
The U.S. Food Crisis: 1 in 5 Went Hungry Last Year. Now What?
Daniela Perdomo
The latest figures from indicate that if a stay-at-home mother in the United States were replaced by paid domestic products and services, the cost would be $122,732 a year.
Why Are Americans Passive as Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families and the American Dream?
Tikkun / By Harriet Fraad
Brilliant as always... impressive figure in the last quote. Maybe it's time we all call our moms and say "thanks again" :)
Xamuel, at 6:58 PM
Jack Saturday, at 7:39 AM
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