Yes - unnecessary bureaucracies and employment pyramids siphon off the wealth that could go to those who need it. A study was conducted in Chicago in the nineteen-eighties which showed that moneys already designated for the poor went to sustain agencies that supposedly serve them. If the money went to the people directly, no one in Chicago would have been poor. And yes, politicians, as we know, for the most part serve the rich.
So the beleaguered workers remaining, attending the robots and computers, and the exhausted service-sector workers pay through the nose to the unproductive parasitical one percent.
Yes, although the percentage of parasites is much more higher. And yes, creation of wealth is not producing. If the wealth start piling somewhere, it's always stolen from somebody or somewhere.
Location: Utopia, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Come by to Jack Saturday once a week for some bracing anti-wage-slavery quotations, it'll be nice to have you over to the place. I'll be including some of the wake of my personal journey through freedom from the job in this third emancipatory phase of history, the phase of liberation of wage-slaves through a Guaranteed Livable Income.
Come to Extraordinary Discourse for my podcast, wider ranging. It would be a joy to spend an hour a week with you.
Humans can parasite the Earth, but the worst is that people are parasiting each other.
Like the whole public sector.
And those who produce pay it all.
Anonymous, at 2:14 AM
Yes - unnecessary bureaucracies and employment pyramids siphon off the wealth that could go to those who need it. A study was conducted in Chicago in the nineteen-eighties which showed that moneys already designated for the poor went to sustain agencies that supposedly serve them. If the money went to the people directly, no one in Chicago would have been poor. And yes, politicians, as we know, for the most part serve the rich.
So the beleaguered workers remaining, attending the robots and computers, and the exhausted service-sector workers pay through the nose to the unproductive parasitical one percent.
Jack Saturday, at 7:09 AM
Yes, although the percentage of parasites is much more higher.
And yes, creation of wealth is not producing.
If the wealth start piling somewhere, it's always stolen from somebody or somewhere.
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM
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