Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1398-1400

What must also be factored are (1)
the efficiencies from redirecting the funds of ineffective and even harmful
programs (notably stigmatizing welfare) into a basic income, and (2) the
savings from avoiding poverty’s immense cost. A 2008 study estimated $72
billion to $86 billion as the price Canadians pay for health care, criminal
justice and lost productivity costs associated with poverty. Poverty’s demand
on health care alone may now approach $40 billion per year.
How can we not afford a ‘basic annual income’?
Rob Rainer Kelly Ernst[emphasis JS]
How can we not afford a ‘basic annual income’?
Rob Rainer Kelly Ernst[emphasis JS]
The Citizens Income Trust has
shown that by eliminating all welfare payments and the personal tax exemption,
a Basic Income Guarantee can be made close to revenue neutral. But making
Basic Income revenue neutral might obviate one of its most profound benefits.
Since the financial crisis, central banks have tried to stimulate the economy
mostly by creating money and giving it to banks, hoping that would entice them
to lend. So far, the results have been mediocre. The Basic Income would instead
“helicopter drop” money straight into individual’s bank accounts, thus
enabling them to spend.
Traditionally, progressives have
focused on stimulating employment and raising wages. But automation and
software today are job killers. The “Rise of the Robots” threatens to
destroy up to 47 per cent of all existing jobs within the next two decades. A
robot may be able to build an iPhone but it cannot buy one. A Basic Income
Guarantee will eliminate poverty, lessen inequality, destroy bureaucracy, and
empower the most vulnerable among us but perhaps even more important, it
would solve capitalism’s most basic and growing problem, lack of demand.
Should governments give away more money?
by Tom Streithorst
December 30, 2015
Prospect Magazine
[emphasis JS]
by Tom Streithorst
December 30, 2015
Prospect Magazine
[emphasis JS]
Personal conflicts between husband, wife, and children will
diminish when the unjust measurement of human worth on a scale of dollars is
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
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