Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations 206-212
American spending on welfare—this is Federal, state, and municipal, from 1789 to the present day is less than the cost of the ongoing Savings & Loan bailout.
Gore Vidal

the Bush administration… is about to invest huge sums of taxpayer dollars to bail out Wall Street…
Peter Dreier
The Mortgage Mess and the Economic Meltdown: What McCain (and the rest of us) Should Learn from the Keating Scandal
Posted March 25, 2008 11:46 AM (EST)
Why is it that they abhor government intervention, yet come running to the government with their hats in hand when their scams fall apart?
Posted by: Sushi on Mar 27, 2008 10:38 AM

…as the saying of the predators goes..."privatize the profits and socialize the losses"
Posted by: particle61 on Mar 27, 2008 8:31 AM
The Associated Press reports the four biggest U.S. investment banks—Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos.—will award an estimated $30 billion in bonuses this year. The bankers at Goldman Sachs will have particularly heavy Christmas stockings. Compensation at the nation’s largest investment bank jumped 20 percent in 2007, which the AP estimated will mean $12 billion in bonuses, or an average of $600,000 per employee.
"Frosty the Goldman" and Other Odes to Subprime Profiteers
Daily Vice
Posted by Eileen Markey at 10:30 AM, January 8, 2008

An unrestricted guaranteed annual income... would, in effect, replace a society based on the coercion of millions with a free society. What would you do with yourself when you begin receiving your dividend checks? In a free society, the answer is that it's nobody's business.
Jim Smith
Separating survival from work:The quest for a guaranteed income
(couldn't find a working link to this article at posting- JS)
“A not-so-small and certainly impressive list of promulgators of more or less serious proposals for some form of UGI [Universal Guaranteed Income] would include simply the many Nobelists in economics who have at one time or another in their career suggested or concurred with the basic idea. Indeed, it would appear that over half (a majority!) of the economics Nobelists to date have in fact suggested or even advocated some such system.”
Robley E. George,
Director, CSDS