Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 420-423

Now the first cows bred with that technology, tens of thousands of them, are entering milking herds across the country — and the timing could hardly be worse.
The dairy industry is in crisis, with prices so low that farmers are selling their milk below production cost. The industry is struggling to cut output. And yet the wave of excess cows is about to start dumping milk into a market that does not need it.
…“We’ve just got too many cattle on hand and too many heifers on hand, and the supply just keeps on coming and coming.”
…Desperate to drive up prices by stemming the gusher of unwanted milk, a dairy industry group, the National Milk Producers Federation, has been paying farmers to send herds to slaughter.
From Science, Plenty of Cows but Little Profit
New York Times
Published: September 28, 2009

If that last example sounds prosaic, it simply reflects how embedded these kinds of augmentation have become. Not much more than a decade ago, such a tool was outrageously impressive—and it destroyed the travel-agent industry.
That industry won’t be the last one to go. Any occupation requiring pattern-matching and the ability to find obscure connections will quickly morph from the domain of experts to that of ordinary people whose intelligence has been augmented by cheap digital tools. Humans won’t be taken out of the loop—in fact, many, many more humans will have the capacity to do something that was once limited to a hermetic priesthood. Intelligence augmentation decreases the need for specialization and increases participatory complexity.
Get Smarter
by James Cascio
the AtlanticJuly/August 2009

Greater Freedom of Choice Through
Greater Economic Security of the Person
William D. Clegg, B.A. Phil
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