Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 482-485

New York times headline
Sunday, February 21, 2010
For a lot of working Americans today, the worker relationship with the employer has all the hallmarks of some wierd S and M relationship.

Being one of the "human assets" in a typical company today requires the "asset" to play the role of the submissive spouse in an abusive relationship: "beat me, insult me, double my workload, treat me like shit! Just don't let me go!!"
S and M in the worker-employer relationship
Posted by: raginghormones on Dec 13, 2009
Guaranteed liveable income is an idea that just won’t go away. It was a popular social justice issue in the 1960s and 70s, proposed by Martin Luther King in the US in the 1970s and recommended by Canada’s Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1972. However, less was written about it during the following two decades.
Interest in this idea has recently been reviving, and the quantity of analysis on guaranteed liveable income has been growing. For example, the Saskatchewan office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has included basic income in its alt

Cindy l’Hirondelle of Victoria has written a comprehensive report called The Women’s Economic Justice Project, an examination of how women would benefit from a guaranteed liveable income. The report, a project of the Women’s Liveable Income Working Group, c/o the Victoria Status of Women Action Group, was released in April. Cindy is a mother of three and has been working for many years for justice and equality for women.
Guaranteed Livable Income
Marya Nyland
The Victoria Unitarian

Letter to President Obama
Stanley Aronowitz, City University of New York
Karl Widerquist, US Basic Income Guarantee Network
Steven Shafarman, Income Security Institute
Michael Howard, University of Maine
Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy, Brazilian Senator
Frances Fox Piven, City University of New York
Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Tech
Jason Burke Murphy, Educators for Social Justice, St. Louis University
Richard K. Caputo, Yeshiva University
Eri Noguchi, Columbia University
Jesse Johnson, Mountain Party of West Virginia
Almaz Zellekg, The New School
Michael Lewis, Hunter College School of Social Work
Harry F. Dahms, University of Tennessee
Doug Cresson, Monmouth University
Eron Lloyd, Henry George Foundation of America
Chandra Pasma, Citizens for Public Justice
Jeffery J. Smith,
Al Sheahen, writer
Dan O'Sullivan,
Buford Farris, retired sociologist
Sean Healy, Cori Justice
Brigid Reynolds, Cori Justice
Alanna Hartzok, Earth Rights
Stephen C. Clark,
David London, independent researcher, post-scarcity economics
Fabrizio Patriares, University of Rome, Democratic Party Italy
Reimund Acker, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen
Dorothee Shielbe Basha, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen
Thanks to L.I.F.E.
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