Jack Saturday

Monday, December 06, 2010


We have come to a point where we have no food, no money and no fate any more. We are trying hard to find work. Every day from early in the morning until late at night we search for work.

We are sending 10-20 resumes per day. I go through the phone books and send my resume to any company I believe would need a draftsperson or an AutoCAD designer. We religiously follow Craigslist job postings. I personally visited all of the firms I could find that would need someone with my expertise – nothing.

We both went through job search shops and had extensive meetings with our potential employers.

My wife and I are both educated, mature and intelligent people. I have more than 20 years of experience and at least an intermediate knowledge in several fields and software packages.

My wife, aside from having extensive experience in telemarketing and an university degree in linguistics, just took a course at Sprott-Shaw for a medical office assistant.

We have a 14-year-old son. We are now left with 78 cents – no money, no food and it is getting to us.

No, we don’t live in a remote part of Africa or anywhere similar. We live in Canada, in Victoria.
Neb Radojkovic

Victoria News
after 25 years of entrepreneuring and resume-building, when the economy tanked... even here in new york city... i applied for hundreds of jobs and got nary a callback, am now considered officially out-to-pasture.' had my wife not landed her good-paying project manager role at major ad agency after 13 months of no jobs... we'd now be homeless, dead. friends who helped us out then are now living with their moms. one of those staying with mom has all three sons with him there and all have degrees but no jobs at almost 30 except walmart-slave jobs... i don't think most folks get the picture of how bad this really is….

Unemployment in the euro zone rose in October to its highest level in more than 12 years, an official report showed Tuesday.
Unemployment Rises in Europe
New York Times
Published: November 30, 2010


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