Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 712-714

It struck me as odd that we never hear ‘use’ when someone says ‘employ’ in relation to a person’s profession. “I am used by a large software company”. “My husband is used as a secretary”. “My daughter is used on a fixed-term basis”. Doesn’t sound very pleasant does it? Makes one sound like a piece of gym equipment.
Conversely, “I am unused” sounds far more pleasant than “I am unemployed”. I think I’ll start using it! Or rather employing it.
New Escapologist

Americans Waste Enough Food to Fill a 90,000-seat Football Stadium Every Day -- What Can We Do About It?
AlterNet / By Jonathan Bloom
If there is anything
that we wish to change in our children, we should first examine it and see
whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves. Take our
enthusiasm for pedagogics. It may be that the boot is on the other leg. It may
be that we misplace the pedagogical need because it would be an uncomfortable
reminder that we ourselves are still children in many respects and still need a
vast amount of educating.
C. G. Jung
"The Development of the Personality" (1934). In CW 17: The Development of the Personality. P.287
C. G. Jung
"The Development of the Personality" (1934). In CW 17: The Development of the Personality. P.287
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 708-711

Massive Unemployment: Proof That Global Capitalism Doesn't Work
By Steve Fraser and Joshua B. Freeman
September 11, 2011 /
Via AlterNet
By Steve Fraser and Joshua B. Freeman
September 11, 2011 /
Via AlterNet


Douglas Rushkoff
I believe that as technology continues to develop a new approach will have to be adopted globally. Capitalism simply doesn’t work when technology surpasses the abilities of humans, and believe me that reality isn’t far away.
Technological Unemployment
Technological Unemployment
March 22, 2011
By Josh Hunt
By Josh Hunt
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 704-707

In fact, workers often expressed frustration, disdain or disgust.
Do Happier People Work Harder?
New York Times
Published: September 3, 2011
…briefcases and pinstripes, umbrellas and raincoats, and the musty scent of damp business wear. The silent faces are not animated by anticipation. Rather they seem steeled in preparation. Today each rider seems to be looking far away, or perhaps deep inside, preparing for a return to toil.
“I don’t want to go to school,” the girl cries.
“Believe me, I understand,” Mom says. “Grown-ups don’t always like going to work either, but we have to.”
“We just do,” Mom says. “Here, want some M&M’s?”
Summer’s Over; the Game Begins
New York Times
Published: September 7, 2011
Dorianne Laux
It's time for me to walk to the bus stop
And sit down among them, the man
Tied into his wheelchair, the woman
With the humped back, time for me
To kneel and hold his cup while he adjusts
His books and his pack, look up at her,
Flowered blouse. His scratched glasses.
There's a sky full of rain that won't
Come down, pigeons asleep on the lawn,
And across the street pumpkins piled high
In front of the market, Xeroxed flyers
Stapled to the telephone pole. To the east
A day moon above the bridge, cars
Filing under like a school of fish,
And if I look down at my feet I won't
Knock over the plastic dish the blind man
Has filled to the brim for his dog. It's time
To go to work, to wait while they gather
Their belongings, while the metal mesh
Platform unhinges and bangs down,
Time to nod to the driver as he pulls
Back on the lever and a man lifts
Into the air, to cup her elbows, a thin wing
Sharpened by suffering, to enter
The threshold and stand among them,
Listen to their murmurs, the news
Of the day, to slip my hand through
The frayed canvas noose and hold on.
The Best American Poetry 2006
A free race cannot be born of slave mothers.
Margaret Sanger
Monday, September 05, 2011
Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 701-703

Did We Drop the Ball on Unemployment?
New York Times
Published: August 27, 2011

Some of Ms. Morales’s classmates have found themselves on welfare. “You don’t expect someone who just spent four years in Ivy League schools to be on food stamps,” said Ms. Morales….
Generation Limbo: Waiting It OutBy JENNIFER 8. LEE
New York Times
Published: August 31, 2011

Harriet Tubman