Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 739-741
While factories continue to make more stuff in the United States than ever before, employment in them has collapsed.
Computers have hurt workers outside factories too. Picture the advertising agency in “Mad Men,” and think about the abundance of people who were hired to do jobs that are now handled electronically by small machines. Countless secretaries were replaced by word processing, voice mail, e-mail and scheduling software; accounting staff by Excel; people in the art department by desktop design programs. This is also true of trades like plumbing and carpentry, in which new technologies replaced a bunch of people who most likely stood around helping measure things and making sure everything worked correctly.
……there’s… a pretty good chance that by some point in the next few years, your boss will find that some new technology or some worker overseas can replace you.
The Dwindling Power of a College Degree
New York Times
Published: November 23, 2011
New York Times
Published: November 23, 2011

What Do Young People Around the World Have in Common? No Jobs
Good Business
Good Business

In the old days — before Social Security, welfare and Medicaid — poverty-caused illnesses killed off or incapacitated some of the people who could not find jobs. Even earlier, some nations sold their surplus workers as slaves, while the European countries could send them to the colonies.
In addition, wars were once labor-intensive enterprises that absorbed the surplus temporarily, and sufficient numbers of those serving in the infantry and on warships were killed or seriously enough injured so that they could not add to the peacetime labor surplus.
The old ways of reducing surplus labor are, however, disappearing.
Meanwhile, new ways of increasing surplus labor have appeared. One is the continued outsourcing of jobs to low-wage countries; the other is the continuing computerization and mechanization of manufacturing.
In fact, if modern capitalism continues to eliminate as many jobs as it creates — or more jobs than it creates — future recoveries will not only add to the amount of surplus labor but will turn a growing proportion of workers into superfluous ones.
Policies that are now seemingly utopian will have to be tried as well….
The Age of the Superfluous Worker
New York Times
Published: November 24, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 736-738

Life Among the 1% ...a letter from Michael Moore

Oh, but the inevitable… the clash of impetuous and opposing ideals..
perception of the principles of Golden Rules. Alas, the chameleon prince changed to ugly hues of dark and selfish nature and deed as he was programed genetically and socially to be “privileged”. Privilege status required occupying the top seat in the Castle of Corporation. The king,father placed the successor prince at the of his kingdom,after all..
Jerrye Barr

My parents both grew up with the fear of not having enough. Their parents grew up poor.
When I was 25, my parents gave me a $100k check. There’s lots more where that came from.
The money sent me into a spiral of shame and denial.
Now at age 30, I’ve started giving it away to organizations working for ECONOMIC & RACIAL JUSTICE.
That’s something I can do, and it makes me feel better, but I know it’s not enough.
I don’t want to live in a world where money represents love.
I don’t want to live in a world where some people accumulate way too much - because they’re scared of not having enough.
We ALL should have enough.
I am the 1%
I stand with the 99%
We are the 1 percent
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 733-735

Your Commute is Slowly Killing You

Extreme Poverty Is Now at Record Levels -- 19 Statistics About the Poor That Will Absolutely Astound You
Michael Snyder
November 8, 2011
Solar is now cost-effective. Here comes the sun, if we’re willing to let it in.
Published: November 6, 2011
Published: November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 730-732
The British medical journal, The Lancet, estimates
the total death toll from the Iraq war at nearly 700,000. When the war began,
Pentagon experts estimated the cost of the war at about $60 billion. They
underestimated by 8,000%. But if the war were to stop tomorrow…and if Joseph
Stiglitz’s estimates of total cost were close to correct…each Iraqi killed
(let’s hallucinate that he was an ‘enemy combatant’) would cost about $8
You have to wonder why America would want to kill even a
single Iraqi, let alone at a cost of $8 million each. WWII killed far more
people — 50 million. Total spending on the war, by all the combatants, was
probably around $10 trillion (our estimate). This puts the cost per corpse at
only $200,000. WWII was far more efficient.

And it's not just robots taking jobs from autoworkers.
The scary new dimension is artificial intelligence, which could replace as many as 50 million professional jobs according to a recent book by software entrepreneur Martin Ford. Artificial Intelligence Took America's Jobs And It's Going To Take A Lot More
Gus Lubin
Business Insider
I have taught urban poverty and inequality every year for the past 3 years and every year have similar debates in my class: when I start the section off by asking them why people are poor the first response I usually get from students is that, simply put, people are lazy and they don't want to work. I see my job then to be to explain the structural causes of poverty and that simply saying, “People are lazy and don't want to work” is actually a really problematic way of thinking. Explaining all of this has been so much work in my classes that usually I dread the week on poverty and inequality because it is a week where I am tired.
But last week when I asked my students this question the first response I got in my classes was that “People can't find jobs” and the next one was, “There is a huge wealth gap” and the third was that, “We have an economic system that needs poor people”. I was shocked. I have never gotten responses like this before.
Occupy Wall Street is Transforming its Participants, Our Country, and Democracy
AlterNet / By Manissa McCleave Maharawal
Occupy Wall Street is Transforming its Participants, Our Country, and Democracy
AlterNet / By Manissa McCleave Maharawal