Jack Saturday

Monday, March 26, 2012

Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 792-794

I powered through my four years of college with the assumption that doing well and getting my bachelor’s degree would be the key to having a future. I graduated with a 3.76 G.P.A. and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. I joined the student council. I spent four summers interning for the Fresh Air Fund and volunteered for the Alzheimer’s Association. I have nothing to show for my hard work but $24,000 in student loans. I’ve lost count of the number of job applications that have been ignored, and the ones that I did receive a response to still sting. I’ve stopped carrying both the house phone and my cellphone with me to every room that I move to, and I’ve stopped checking my e-mail every 20 minutes. I’m still trying because I have no other choice.
Kristin, unemployed
Hello, Cruel World
What the Fate of One Class of 2011 Says About the Job Market
New York Times, March 23, 2012

When Robert Collins returned from a leave of absence from his job as a security guard with the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services in 2010, he was asked for his Facebook login and password during a reinstatement interview, purportedly so the agency could check for any gang affiliations. (The Associated Press)

Bassett refused and withdrew his application, saying he didn't want to work for a company that would seek such personal information. But as the job market steadily improves, other job candidates are confronting the same question from prospective employers, and some of them cannot afford to say no.
Employers asking for Facebook passwords

The traditional image of a bundled man asleep on a sidewalk may be what comes to mind for most Canadians when homelessness is mentioned. The reality is more varied and complex. Conservative estimates suggest anywhere from 150,000-300,000 people are homeless in Canada. Street counts show 25-30% of people living
on the streets or in shelters in large Canadian cities are women. Toronto shelters saw a 78% increase in shelter use among single women between 1992 and 1998. Young women are homeless in alarming numbers. Families experience homelessness, and single parent families, mostly led by women, make up the majority of homeless families.
When There's No Place Like Home - A snapshot of women's homelessness in Canada
(emphasis JS)


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