Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1464-1466
Treating workers as if they are widgets to be used up and discarded is a central part of the revised relationship between employers and employees that techies proclaim is an innovation as important as chips and software. The model originated in Silicon Valley, but it’s spreading. Old-guard companies are hiring “growth hackers” and building “incubators,” too. They see Silicon Valley as a model of enlightenment and forward thinking, even though this “new” way of working is actually the oldest game in the world: the exploitation of labor by capital.
Congratulations! You’ve Been Fired
New York Times
[emphasis JS]

A study to be released Thursday says that for each dollar America’s 50 biggest companies paid in federal taxes between 2008 and 2014, they received $27 back in federal loans, loan guarantees and bailouts.
Goodness! What will that do to their character? Won’t that sap their initiative?
The Oxfam report says that each $1 the biggest companies spent on lobbying was associated with $130 in tax breaks and more than $4,000 in federal loans, loan guarantees and bailouts.
One academic study found that tax dodging by major corporations costs the U.S. Treasury up to $111 billion a year. By my math, less than one-fifth of that annually would be more than enough to pay the additional costs of full-day prekindergarten for all 4-year-olds in America ($15 billion), prevent lead poisoning in tens of thousands of children ($2 billion), provide books and parent coaching for at-risk kids across the country ($1 billion) and end family homelessness ($2 billion).
The Real Welfare Cheats
Nicholas Kristof APRIL 14, 2016
New York Times
[emphasis JS]
Redistribution would best be in the form of a basic income, Mr Bregman believes.
And ideally, that income would be universal, unconditional and individual. It needs to be universal, regardless of other income or wealth, so that there is no stigma attached to it, he argues.
"It is not a favour, it is a right. Some people see a basic income as a dividend of progress. That, because our forefathers worked so hard and brought us all this technology and prosperity, we all deserve a share of these accomplishments.''
In answer to claims it is unaffordable, he says look at the net results.
"What we know from studies is that one of the most important effects of introducing a basic income is that it would eradicate poverty.''
Poverty is expensive in terms of higher healthcare costs and crime rates.
It means lower tax takes for government and less investment in human capital.
"Eradicating poverty is actually really cheap; it is a few percentage points of GDP. It is actually an investment.
"So in the long run the rich will profit from that as well because everyone is happier ... If your neighbour is doing well, then you are also doing better.''
Wouldn't this utopia just be full of lazy people?
Mr Bregman says he is told that all the time. In response, he asks people whether, if they received a basic income, would they stop working.
They say they might cut back a bit on work, but that they would use the extra time for volunteering and other pursuits they haven't had time for. However, when asked what they think other people would do, many reply they believe others will be lazy.
Knocking off early
By Bruce Munro on Mon, 16 May 2016
Otago Daily Times
And ideally, that income would be universal, unconditional and individual. It needs to be universal, regardless of other income or wealth, so that there is no stigma attached to it, he argues.
"It is not a favour, it is a right. Some people see a basic income as a dividend of progress. That, because our forefathers worked so hard and brought us all this technology and prosperity, we all deserve a share of these accomplishments.''
In answer to claims it is unaffordable, he says look at the net results.
"What we know from studies is that one of the most important effects of introducing a basic income is that it would eradicate poverty.''
Poverty is expensive in terms of higher healthcare costs and crime rates.
It means lower tax takes for government and less investment in human capital.
"Eradicating poverty is actually really cheap; it is a few percentage points of GDP. It is actually an investment.
"So in the long run the rich will profit from that as well because everyone is happier ... If your neighbour is doing well, then you are also doing better.''
Wouldn't this utopia just be full of lazy people?
Mr Bregman says he is told that all the time. In response, he asks people whether, if they received a basic income, would they stop working.
They say they might cut back a bit on work, but that they would use the extra time for volunteering and other pursuits they haven't had time for. However, when asked what they think other people would do, many reply they believe others will be lazy.
Knocking off early
By Bruce Munro on Mon, 16 May 2016
Otago Daily Times
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