Jack Saturday

Monday, August 08, 2016

Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1491-1493

A Frenchman is suing his former employer for "bore out" - boredom's equivalent of burnout - which he says turned him into a "professional zombie". Frederic Desnard wants 360,000 euros (£300,000) for being "killed professionally through boredom" by his 80,000-euro-a-year job as an executive in a perfume business. But is "bore out" real?

"It was just so boring. I felt ill knowing I had to go back on Monday morning," says Steve Coster about his time as an insurance broker.
Is there such a thing as 'bore out'?
It can have "severe" consequences including reduced life expectancy, she says, highlighting a study of 7,000 UK civil servants which found very bored workers were more likely to die during a 24-year research period than those who were not bored.
By Alex Morrison, Alex Therrien & Emma Ailes 
BBC News
26 July 2016
[emphasis JS] 

Thanks to Kate McFarland

 …a woman in New York was arrested for defecating on her boss's desk after she won $3 million in the lottery…
Harper's Weekly Review
August 3, 2016

From an email exchange: Jack S. to Gerry Spence:

…there is plenty of wealth to go round and that there
should be a guaranteed income for all.  What is your opinion of this?

Couldn't agree more.  Gerry


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