Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1552-1554
We Have to Face the Major Problem of Acute Financial Stress
Constant debt leads to trauma, stress and illness.
By Dr. Galen Buckwalter / AlterNet
November 27, 2016
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If you've ever cried at work, you may want to hold back the tears. Researchers say crying on the job may hurt your credibility, and even damage your career.
The studies by Dutch researcher Niels van de Ven suggest crying at work changes the way a person is perceived by colleagues.
"What we see is that someone who cries is seen as warmer, but also as less competent," says van de Ven.
He adds that "the reduced competence makes people want to avoid them when something needs to be done."
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Crying at work could damage your career, study suggests
CBC The Current
…study by Ball State university suggests that 5.6 million US manufacturing jobs were lost between 2000 and 2010 — almost nine in 10 thanks to automation, not trade. It could be worse: McKinsey, a consultancy, estimates that 45 per cent of the tasks currently done by humans could be automated as the pattern spreads into the service sector. This equates to $2tn in annual wages — and millions of jobs.
if he [Trump] does succeed in this goal of America First he will — paradoxically — only accelerate the automation trend as companies will scramble to cut costs.
How robots are making humans indispensable
Gillian Tett
Financial Times
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