“Anti-careerism” refers to a
negative stance, a rejection of a certain way of thinking. In this rejection,
however, lies an enormous potential to explore ways of life beyond the 9-to-5
grind, to find paths to happiness, fulfillment, and well-being outside the
cycle of working, earning, and spending, and to strive for self-development
without regard for employability, marketability, and economic productivity. It
can free us to become less competitive and less materialistic, and to lead
lives of greater leisure and less stress. It opens us to focus on questions
like “What can I do for the world?” or “How can I become the best person I can
be?” rather than “What can I do that people will pay me to do?”
Almost beyond belief, he draws
three trees and perchance the hint of purple clouds outside the windows,
existing far off in the distance. Remember these are a kindergartner's
"hopes and dreams"; this is what his imagination pictures when it's uncoercively
invited to do so. Remember he is but five-years-old.
The US farmer suicide crisis
echoes a much larger farmer suicide
crisis happening globally: an
Australian farmer dies by suicide every
four days; in the UK, one farmer a
week takes his or her own life; in
France, one farmer dies by suicide
every two days; in India, more
than 270,000 farmers have died by
suicide since 1995.
Since 2013, net farm income for US
farmers has declined 50%. Median farm income for 2017 is projected
to be negative $1,325. And without
parity in place (essentially a
minimum price floor for farm
products), most commodity prices
remain below the cost of production.
After the study was released,
Newsweek reported that the suicide death rate for farmers was more than double that of military veterans.
[emphasis JS]