Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1786-1788
These days, those benefits are explicitly geared toward getting mothers away from their children and into the workforce as soon as possible. A few states require women to enroll in training or start applying for jobs the day after they give birth.
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.
By Michael Hobbes
[emphasis JS]
Contrary to the cliché, the vast majority of millennials did not go to college, do not work as baristas and cannot lean on their parents for help. Every stereotype of our generation applies only to the tiniest, richest, whitest sliver of young people. And the circumstances we live in are more dire than most people realize.
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.
By Michael Hobbes
You’re less in favor of the whole job guarantee idea, which Bernie Sanders and others have endorsed, and would rather see a guaranteed basic income.
[David Graeber:] That's correct. I'm someone who doesn't want to create more bureaucracy and more bullshit jobs. There's a debate between job guarantee—which you’re right that Sanders is now endorsing in America. It’s the idea that governments should ensure that everybody has access to at least some kind of job. But the idea behind universal income is you just give people enough money to live on. After that, it's up to you how much more you want.
And, again, I personally think that the job guarantee would just create more bullshit jobs. Historically, that's what always happens. And why would we want the government deciding what we can do? Freedom means our ability to decide for ourselves what we want to do with ourselves and how we want to contribute to society. It seems as if we've conditioned ourselves to think that even though we talk about freedom as our highest value, we don't really want it. And basic income would help provide exactly that. Wouldn’t it be great to say, “Okay, you don't have to worry about survival. Now go off and decide what you want to do with yourself."?
Your Job Doesn't Matter
Eric Allen Been
[emphasis JS]
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.
By Michael Hobbes
[emphasis JS]
Contrary to the cliché, the vast majority of millennials did not go to college, do not work as baristas and cannot lean on their parents for help. Every stereotype of our generation applies only to the tiniest, richest, whitest sliver of young people. And the circumstances we live in are more dire than most people realize.
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.
By Michael Hobbes

[David Graeber:] That's correct. I'm someone who doesn't want to create more bureaucracy and more bullshit jobs. There's a debate between job guarantee—which you’re right that Sanders is now endorsing in America. It’s the idea that governments should ensure that everybody has access to at least some kind of job. But the idea behind universal income is you just give people enough money to live on. After that, it's up to you how much more you want.
And, again, I personally think that the job guarantee would just create more bullshit jobs. Historically, that's what always happens. And why would we want the government deciding what we can do? Freedom means our ability to decide for ourselves what we want to do with ourselves and how we want to contribute to society. It seems as if we've conditioned ourselves to think that even though we talk about freedom as our highest value, we don't really want it. And basic income would help provide exactly that. Wouldn’t it be great to say, “Okay, you don't have to worry about survival. Now go off and decide what you want to do with yourself."?
Your Job Doesn't Matter
Eric Allen Been
[emphasis JS]
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