Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 277-279
Leftists fight for the "right to work" - what the hell kind of "right" is that?? What other rights are they fighting for? The right to have ice picks shoved into their eyeballs? Roy Fischler
We never had any use for Taylor nor any of the efficiency or scientific management crowd. They never realized that human toil was the last thing in the world you had to be efficient about; the only way to be really efficient is to eliminate it entirely, and this would have been heresy to any of the Taylor, Gant, Barth, Cook efficiency crowd. It is sad to contemplate that men of the technical ability of the names mentioned in this paragraph were so lame in their thinking and social outlook that they missed the boat so completely. Who in hell wants to be efficient with a shovel, and what sense would there be even if you succeeded? They should have had their heads opened with a shovel, it might have been more effective. Howard Scott, History and Purpose of Technocracy in Northwest Technocrat (July 1965)
At the beginning of World War II the US had a mere 600 or so first-class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame this short supply by turning out more than 90,000 planes a year. The question at the start of World War II was: Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war? The answer was No, we did not have enough money, nor did we have enough gold; but we did have more than enough resources. It was the available resources that enabled the US to achieve the high production and efficiency required to win the war. Unfortunately this is only considered in times of war. In a resource-based economy all of the world's resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth's people, thus eventually outgrowing the need for the artificial boundaries that separate people. This is the unifying imperative.We must emphasize that this approach to global governance has nothing whatever in common with the present aims of an elite to form a world government with themselves and large corporations at the helm, and the vast majority of the world's population subservient to them. Our vision of globalization empowers each and every person on the planet to be the best they can be, not to live in abject subjugation to a corporate governing body. Our proposals would not only add to the well being of people, but they would also provide the necessary information that would enable them to participate in any area of their competence. The measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property and power. At present, we have enough material resources to provide a very high standard of living for all of Earth's inhabitants. Only when population exceeds the carrying capacity of the land do many problems such as greed, crime and violence emerge. By overcoming scarcity, most of the crimes and even the prisons of today's society would no longer be necessary. A resource-based world economy would also involve all-out efforts to develop new, clean, and renewable sources of energy: geothermal; controlled fusion; solar; photovoltaic; wind, wave, and tidal power; and even fuel from the oceans. We would eventually be able to have energy in unlimited quantity that could propel civilization for thousands of years. A resource-based economy must also be committed to the redesign of our cities, transportation systems, and industrial plants, allowing them to be energy efficient, clean, and conveniently serve the needs of all people. The Venus Project
I once worked as a telemarketer, and it is an occupation so soul-numbing that it is hard to imagine that anything could make it worse. Confessions of a Phone Solicitor By Gail Collins New York Times Published: October 22, 2008
And your uncle who cheered at the end of Easy Rider? He insists that if he had to obliterate 40 years of his life punching a clock, why should you goddamn hippies have it any better?
This brand of puritanism has gained traction among the gullible masses, including those I count as friends. Around the same time I got fired from a start-up in Herndon—the second of my three stints—a wave of layoffs claimed several in my circle. Most of them stayed on unemployment for only a few scant weeks before getting another shit job they immediately began bitching about. When I asked why, they muttered various reasons like “not wanting to be on welfare” or “wanting to work for a living.” One even fretted about “what her parents would think.”
Given a choice between getting a check every week for doing nothing and getting a check every week for flushing 40 hours of the prime of their lives down the toilet, they chose the latter. I mean, what kind of self-hating, masochistic Protestant bullshit is that? In defense of creative loafing By Franklin Schneider Washington City Paper Posted: March 5, 2008 (thanks to Brian Dean)
Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 271-274
Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There is a support group for that. Its called EVERYBODY and they meet at the bar. Drew Carey
Anyone who must survive by sale of his- or her- labor-power on the so-called "Free-Market" and has nothing else to fall back on ought to take some real time to consider, precisely and deeply, what this will mean to them and their family and co-workers. This is a consciously and carefully thought-out, in advance, move in-, for- and by- capitalists, to whom your labor-power (your Self) is but just another 'asset' and commodity in their bulging Portfolio, to be acquired or discarded at their Whim. De-facto and de-jure necessary Servitude in all its various degrees is in the air. It wouldn't be too wise to automatically include oneself when these people utter terms like: "We", "Bi-Partisan", "Freedom", "Better", etc. They aren't asking; they're telling. The axis is no longer 'left-right'; it is Top-Down. Time for Very Close Attention, Left - Reformist or not!
Posted by: talkville on Sep 23, 2008 1:36 AM
This whole picture would be quite different if the underprivileged and somewhat unemployable families had a pretty good secure income over a long period. They would then be members of society at least as consumers.... Such a condition would at once diminish certain kinds of underprivileged delinquency, e.g., thefts, malicious mischief, certain spiteful assaults, and maybe truancy. Simply to subsidize the poor might be the cheapest way of coping with their juvenile delinquency. To re-establish in general what he calls the social balance, J. K. Galbraith proposes such a high long-time subsidy for all unemployed. He assures us that this would not be inflationary, and as the one-time director of price controls for the OPA he should know. Paul Goodman, Growing Up Absurd
A just society, Terman proposed, would assign professions by IQ so that high-scorers received leadership roles while those with lower scores were assigned to various types of manual labor: "substantial success" required an IQ of at least 115, while the maximum I.Q. required for a barber was set at 85 and IQ 75 was deemed an unsafe risk in a motorman or conductor. Presuming that those who had failed to survive society must be the most unfit of all, Terman even launched a study of the IQs of "hobos and the unemployed." To his utter disbelief, average hobo IQs ranked above those of motormen, firemen and policemen." The IQ Fallacy PART 2
Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 266-270
A study by two well-known international economists 15 years ago found that at least twenty companies in the top Fortune 100 would not have survived if they had not been saved by their respective governments, and that many of the rest gained substantially by demanding that governments "socialise their losses." Such government intervention "has been the rule rather than the exception over the past two centuries," they conclude from a detailed analysis. [Ruigrok and von Tulder] Noam Chomsky VII Social Summit for the Latin American and Caribbean Unity
…"crisis of overproduction," with the world now awash in goods -- from microchips to steel to automobiles -- and not enough consumers to absorb all this stuff.
…at the heart of the current crisis, like those that preceded it in recent years, are twin crises inherent in the structure of our global economy: a crisis of overproduction in the "core" states with advanced economies, and soul-crushing poverty in much of the "periphery." If We Get Through This Crisis, We'll Face Another in 5 to 10 Years -- Here's Why By Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted October 7, 2008. ("overproduction" link JS)
The alternative is simple and powerful. Take that huge sum of money and give it directly to the people who need it. Howard Zinn From Empire to Democracy
…when a guy like Chomsky, or Jim Lehrer, or Bill Moyers writes or has a show on serious issues, the majority of our eyes glaze over and we say to ourselves,"Okay, what's on the Fox Channel?" or, "I wonder what's on "Entertainment Tonight." It's just easier to digest. And after working all day, many times at an unrewarding job, a lot of people prefer "easy." Chomsky Says a Lot Posted by: shill on Oct 4, 2008 5:02 AM
I worked as an engineer for many years and had my own contract company for a while. When the dot com bust came we could not get any customers so shut the company down. I no longer wanted to deal with people who feel that the car in the parking lot and the watch on your wrist define you as a better person. I got tired of people who felt the greatest joy was crushing someone else in a climb to the top. I saw no reason for a fancy car or a big house so I stopped dealing with the corporate world. I ran a home repair business for a while but it was a lot more fun sitting in the back yard reading. I discovered the most important possession I had was control over my time. Don Bowen
Oh I got up and went to work and worked and came back home and ate and talked and went to sleep. Then I got up and went to work and worked and came back home from work and ate and slept. Then I got up and went to work and worked and came back home and ate and watched a show and slept. Then I got up and went to work and worked and came back home and ate steak and went to sleep. Then I got up and went to work and worked and came back home and ate and fucked and went to sleep. Then it was Saturday, Saturday, Saturday! Love must be the reason for the week! We went shopping! I saw clouds! The children explained everything! I could talk about the main thing! What did I drink on Saturday night that lost the first, best half of Sunday? The last half wasn't worth this "word." Then I got up and went to work and worked and came back home from work and ate and went to sleep, refreshed but tired by the weekend. The Oxford Book of American Light Verse (Harmon)
Location: Utopia, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Come by to Jack Saturday once a week for some bracing anti-wage-slavery quotations, it'll be nice to have you over to the place. I'll be including some of the wake of my personal journey through freedom from the job in this third emancipatory phase of history, the phase of liberation of wage-slaves through a Guaranteed Livable Income.
Come to Extraordinary Discourse for my podcast, wider ranging. It would be a joy to spend an hour a week with you.