Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There is a support group for that. Its called EVERYBODY and they meet at the bar.
Drew Carey

Anyone who must survive by sale of his- or her- labor-power on the so-called "Free-Market" and has nothing else to fall back on ought to take some real time to consider, precisely and deeply, what this will mean to them and their family and co-workers. This is a consciously and carefully thought-out, in advance, move in-, for- and by- capitalists, to whom your labor-power (your Self) is but just another 'asset' and commodity in their bulging Portfolio, to be acquired or discarded at their Whim. De-facto and de-jure necessary Servitude in all its various degrees is in the air. It wouldn't be too wise to automatically include oneself when these people utter terms like: "We", "Bi-Partisan", "Freedom", "Better", etc. They aren't asking; they're telling. The axis is no longer 'left-right'; it is Top-Down.
Time for Very Close Attention, Left - Reformist or not!Posted by: talkville on Sep 23, 2008 1:36 AM

This whole picture would be quite different if the underprivileged and somewhat unemployable families had a pretty good secure income over a long period. They would then be members of society at least as consumers.... Such a condition would at once diminish certain kinds of underprivileged delinquency, e.g., thefts, malicious mischief, certain spiteful assaults, and maybe truancy. Simply to subsidize the poor might be the cheapest way of coping with their juvenile delinquency. To re-establish in general what he calls the social balance, J. K. Galbraith proposes such a high long-time subsidy for all unemployed. He assures us that this would not be inflationary, and as the one-time director of price controls for the OPA he should know.
Paul Goodman,
Growing Up Absurd
A just society, Terman proposed, would assign professions by IQ so that high-scorers received leadership roles while those with lower scores were assigned to various types of manual labor: "substantial success" required an IQ of at least 115, while the maximum I.Q. required for a barber was set at 85 and IQ 75 was deemed an unsafe risk in a motorman or conductor. Presuming that those who had failed to survive society must be the most unfit of all, Terman even launched a study of the IQs of "hobos and the unemployed." To his utter disbelief, average hobo IQs ranked above those of motormen, firemen and policemen."
The IQ Fallacy PART 2
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