Anti Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 670-672

New York Times
Published: May 26, 2011
the HRP-4 doesn't goof around on Facebook, spend hours tweaking its fantasy football roster, or require a lunch break. Noriyuki Kanehira, the robotic systems manager at Kawada, believes the HRP-4 could easily take on a "secretarial the near future." Sooner or later, he says, "humanoid robots can move [into] the office field."
As a result of breakthroughs in technology, however, a new breed of machines may soon be filing papers and pushing the mail cart. In a 2007 issue of Scientific American, Bill Gates predicted that the future would bring a "robot in every home." In the foreseeable future, though, it may be a robot in every cubicle…
The Robot in the Next Cubicle By Eric Spitznagel

Thomas Paine
Rights Of Man