Jack Saturday

Monday, May 18, 2015

Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1298-1300

Hillary Rodham Clinton calls them “everyday Americans.” Scott Walker prefers “hard-working taxpayers.” Rand Paul says he speaks for “people who work for the people who own businesses.” Bernie Sanders talks about “ordinary Americans.”

The once ubiquitous term “middle class” has gone conspicuously missing from the 2016 campaign trail, as candidates and their strategists grasp for new terms for an unsettled economic era. The phrase, long synonymous with the American dream, now evokes anxiety, an uncertain future and a lifestyle that is increasingly out of reach.

Middle Class Is Disappearing, at Least From Vocabulary of Possible 2016 Contenders
New York Times
[emphasis JS]

There should be no doubt that technology is advancing in the direction of full unemployment.

Today's prevailing American political-economic ideology, largely shared by both parties, holds that getting money from corporations is honorable but getting money from governments is demeaning and lazy.

It turns out that who most aggressively hustle that ideology also secure huge sums of government money for corporations, whether in the form of tax breaks, grants, protection from competition, infrastructure construction - or, as this editorial points out, wage subsidies.

Our failing - "we" being the voters, the media, the politicians - has been to downplay the huge amounts of government assistance to corporations while accepting the demonization of low-earning individuals who receive comparatively trivial assistance from government
Ecce Homo Jackson Heights, NY


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