Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1540-1542
Despite the all-party resolution,
child poverty has jumped from 15.8 per cent a generation ago to 18.3 per cent
today. It soars to 60 per cent for First Nations children living on reserves.
For those under age 6, the rate is almost 20 per cent nationally and closer to 45 per cent for young children in Nunavut, according to the report based on Statistics Canada tax filer data for 2014, the most recent available.
“Nearly one in five children in Canada live in poverty today because their families are forced to navigate the uncertainty of precarious work, skyrocketing housing costs, and uneven and unaffordable child care services while they try not to slip through the holes in Canada’s social safety net,” said the group’s spokeswoman Anita Khanna.
Toronto is the child poverty capital of Canada with 133,000 children living in low-income families, a rate of 27 per cent, according to a report released earlier this month.
Sober child poverty stats should prompt action, advocates say
[emphasis JS]
Statistics Canada reported today
that there were only 199,700 vacant jobs in December 2013, the fewest recorded
since it first reported these figures for March 2011
StatCan Reports Fewest Vacant Jobs on Record
[emphasis JS]
But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work; trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people's liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons. The government was irrevocably in the hands of the prodigiously rich and their hangers-on; the suffrage was become a mere machine, which they used as they chose. There was no principle but commercialism, no patriotism but of the pocket.
Mark Twain
[emphasis JS]
For those under age 6, the rate is almost 20 per cent nationally and closer to 45 per cent for young children in Nunavut, according to the report based on Statistics Canada tax filer data for 2014, the most recent available.
“Nearly one in five children in Canada live in poverty today because their families are forced to navigate the uncertainty of precarious work, skyrocketing housing costs, and uneven and unaffordable child care services while they try not to slip through the holes in Canada’s social safety net,” said the group’s spokeswoman Anita Khanna.
Toronto is the child poverty capital of Canada with 133,000 children living in low-income families, a rate of 27 per cent, according to a report released earlier this month.
Sober child poverty stats should prompt action, advocates say
[emphasis JS]

StatCan Reports Fewest Vacant Jobs on Record
[emphasis JS]
But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work; trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people's liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons. The government was irrevocably in the hands of the prodigiously rich and their hangers-on; the suffrage was become a mere machine, which they used as they chose. There was no principle but commercialism, no patriotism but of the pocket.
Mark Twain
[emphasis JS]
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