Jack Saturday

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Anti Wage-Slavery Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 1657-1659

Only about 8 per cent of those aged 18 to 34 reported being unhappy with their job, while for those aged 35 and over, that number doubled to 16 per cent.
"There comes a time when either you haven't achieved success, work has burned you out, or lived experience tells you family is more important," Cooper told Bloomberg.

"You ask yourself, 'What am I doing this for?'"
The least happy workers are found in organizations of 10,000 or more people
Survey Pinpoints Age When You’re Likely To Start Hating Your Job
Daniel Tencer
Senior Business
Huffpost Canada

On Wednesday, Jackie Dean, who began working on the Golden Gate Bridge 18 years ago, will be one of more than two dozen toll collectors who will be replaced by a completely automated system.
New York Times headline
March 25, 2013

[emphasis JS]

 Trainees in Radiology and Other Specialties See Dream Jobs Disappearing.
New York Times headline
March 28, 2013


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