Anti-Job, Pro-Freedom Quotes Of The Week 108, 109
Minimum wage breaks no-raise record
ZNet Commentary
December 29, 2006
By Holly Sklar
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WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 — The Pentagon is seeking nearly $100 billion for operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, a request that, if approved by Congress, would set an annual record for war-related spending.
The $99.7 billion request, detailed in a 17-page internal Defense Department memorandum dated Dec. 7, would be in addition to $70 billion appropriated in September. The request would push the total for the 2007 fiscal year to nearly $170 billion, 45 percent more than Congress provided for 2006.
The Pentagon is also seeking $9.7 billion for training Iraqi and Afghan security forces, almost as much as has been spent in total since 2001, according to a study by the Congressional Research Service. In a reflection of the worsening security situation in Afghanistan, more than half of the requested money would go to training the country’s army and police forces.
Pentagon to Request Billions More in War Money
By David S. Cloud
New York Times
Published: December 30, 2006