According to a
Workplace Democracy Association/Zogby Interactive survey, 25 percent of Americans compare their workplace to a dictatorship.…"The survey also found that less than half of working Americans -- 46% -- said their workplace promotes creative or inventive ideas, while barely half -- 51% -- said their co-workers often feel motivated or are mostly motivated at work.
One in Four Americans Compare Their Workplace to a Dictatorship
Posted by Meg White, BuzzFlash8:23 AM on July 23, 2008

It is time to issue a challenge to all those nations that profess to champion freedom that the time has come for that nation to put up or shut up about that freedom. It is time that workers and employers both were finally freed from the outdated and increasingly dysfunctional economic relationship that has developed. It is time we put a stop to the growth of bloated bureaucracies who do little more than endlessly police and pinch the pennies that flow through their hands. It is time that democratically elected governments provided their citizens with a guaranteed, liveable base income, one that ensures true freedom of choice and true freedom of life for all their citizens. We need to encourage democratically elected governments to take on the responsibility for their own citizen’s economic security and well-being by finally providing those citizens with the freedom to choice how they will live out their lives without any coercive employability demands. A government that will not take up this challenge is a government that is unable or unwilling to move into the 21st century.
William D. Clegg, B.A. Phil.Member National Anti Poverty Organization
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