Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 280-283

Ta-Nehisi Coates: Ahh—pretty normal actually-- I was quite tired, and I had to get to work the next day….
CBC Radio1, The Current, Nov 5, 2008

To deal with that version of the future, he suggests society should redesign the economy to get the benefits of automation.
His solution? Spread the benefit of productivity to everyone by breaking the concentration of wealth, increase pay and reduce the work week. Sounds a lot like socialism, doesn't it?
The idea provoked a question from attendees. When industrialization first occurred there were fears of massive unemployment which never panned out. Why will the integration of robots into the workforce be any different?
"We didn't create a second intelligent species 150 years ago," says Brain. "Now we are doing that with intelligence that will get better and better."
Brainy Robots To Lead To Longer Unemployment Lines?
By Priya Ganapati
Wake up bro, we're not at odds together. We need to come together and fight for real power. That's what socialism attempts to achieve. It's simply about providing a decent living for all people if society can organize itself to do so. Why does that make you guys so freaking angry? It makes no sense to me. If we can have robots build every person a home and we can provide free electricity, water, cable, telephone, food, water, car, etc. -- why not do it? Why

Posted by: Jonathan Nelson
Oct 27, 2008 8:42:19 AM
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Brainy Robots To Lead To Longer Unemployment Lines?

Posted by: Dagonweb
Oct 28, 2008 5:33:33 AM
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Brainy Robots To Lead To Longer Unemployment Lines?
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