Anti-Wage-Slavery, Pro-Freedom Quotations Of The Week 491-493

Round Midnight: Tortillas and the Corporate State
Joe Bageant
February 24, 2010

Thanks to the Clintons and the GOP Contract with America crowd our welfare laws were re-written in 1996 into the infamous Welfare-to-Work Program. This was suppose to stop the fraud and generational welfare cycle. Now mind you, the average welfare recipient at the time according to social services studies received assistance for about 6 months; generational welfare was limited to only about 5% of families; and welfare fraud accounted for less than 3% of all cases nationwide. Yet to hear the Clintons and the GOP, all welfare families were generational or people who were applying were committing fraud. The new program had only one agenda - creation of a working poor class for corporations, at which it has succeeded admirably.
RE: WELFARE - Does it still exist for those who need it?ELIGIBILITY
Posted by: djnoll on Dec 4, 2009 11:00 AM
RE: WELFARE - Does it still exist for those who need it?ELIGIBILITY
Posted by: djnoll on Dec 4, 2009 11:00 AM
More soldiers committed suicide this year than in any year for which we have complete records. But the military is now able to meet its recruitment goals because the young men and women who are signing up can’t find jobs in civilian life. The United States is broken — school systems are deteriorating, the economy is in shambles, homelessness and poverty rates are expanding — yet we’re nation-building in Afghanistan, sending economically distressed young people over there by the tens of thousands at an annual cost of a million dollars each.A Tragic Mistake
New York Times
Published: November 30, 2009
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